I love Diet Coke. I love it. I love the way it makes my nose wiggle. I love the momentary spark of energy I feel like it gives me. I love that it helps me keep my eyes open during my Computer Programming lecture. But what is it really?
I looked up the ingredients today.
Diet Coke:
- Carbonated water
- Caramel color
- Aspartame
- Phosphoric acid
- Potassium benzoate
- Natural flavors
- Citric acid
- Caffeine
Not one of those things sounds appetizing. And not one of those things sounds like it's doing good things for my insides. Potassium benzoate? Huh?
Well, I'm not saying I'm going to give up Diet Coke. No, it's one of those bad relationships that you know you should get out of, but you just love the way you feel when you're in it. Or, I guess in this case - you love the way your nose tingles and you can keep your eyes open. Same thing. It may serve me no nutritional purpose - but I like it so I'm keeping it. Kind of like Uggs. They don't serve much of a purpose in North Carolina. But I like looking like I'm going to go spear some kind of snow mammal (not that I ever would - omg love animals) so. I'm gonna keep those too.
Nonetheless, I've made a resolution to start drinking more water. I lost my water bottle sometime this summer, and since then, I've rationalized buying more soft drinks and bottled juices, etc. when I'm away from the house. But today I bought a new water bottle. Not only is this resolution good for me, but it's good for the environment (and not to mention my bank account) as well. I feel more hydrated already ;)
On a different note --
I love working out. I really do. The only problem is -- I never remember that I love working out when the time comes for me to go work out. I never want to change clothes. Or put on shoes. Find socks that match. Tie my shoes (someone that is too lazy to tie their shoes rarely makes it to the gym...). This has led to an incredibly extensive collection of workout DVDs. I'm ashamed to say, however, that these are rarely used.
But today, I decided to get down to business and get my Pilates on. I forgot how much I enjoy doing Pilates. Even if you're not doing jumping jacks or kicking, there's something about the moves and the fluidity of the motions that makes your body feel so strong. While I worked out, I could feel the muscles in my body working. At one point during the workout, the instructor described the movements as "organic." We were supposed to be feeling the "organic movement" of our bodies. And even though I'm not entirely sure how I would define that, I still think that I felt it.
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary defines "fluidity" as "the physical property of a substance that enables it to flow."
What if today I found fluidity by drinking more water, eating food with purpose, and reminding myself that my body can be strong?
"Strength does not come from a physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
Mohandas Gandhi
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