Saturday, October 23, 2010

Appreciated my mom?

You know those people that call their mothers on holidays? Their birthday (give or take a day)? When something really terribly awful happens?

I am not that girl.

I call my mom when I stub my toe. I called my mom when I was getting my nails done and the woman trimming my cuticles made me bleed. As I've gotten older, I've regressed a little bit when it comes to how much I need my parents, I think. Or maybe, I just realize a little more how much I need my parents.

I was blog-stalking this weekend (as per usual) and I came across "Monday Mayhem." Well, I know it's not Monday, but I'm going to procrastinate and answer some Monday Mayhem questions about my amazing mom, who if she can put up with me right now and deal with all my crazy - I'm pretty sure can do anything.

1. How old is your Mom? If she has passed away, how old would she be?
I'll just say, she doesn't look a day over 30. ;)

2. What is/was your Moms worst habit?
Well, if you ask her, I feel sure she would disagree. But mom has a tendency to tell the entire world our life story no matter where we go. If we've stopped at the gas station, the cashier needs to know where we're going, where we came from, our astrological signs, what we had for lunch, etc.

God forbid we be trapped on a crowded elevator.

3. What famous person does/did your Mom resemble (a picture of that famous person would be nice)?
I've actually never thought about this much. But she actually could pull off a slightly younger Meryl Streep (who by the way, is gorgeous and I LOVE her).

4. What would be one meal that you would love for your Mom to cook for you right now?

French toast.

5. Was your Mom a Stay at Home Mom or did she have to go to a work/job (and yes, Mayhem understands and knows that being a Stay at Home Mom is work/job) when you were growing up?
My mom was stopped working to a stay at home when I was really little, but she's worked as a part time pharmacist I think since I started pre-school.

6. If you could change one thing about your Mom what would it be?
At this point, I don't think I'd really change anything.
Even though sometimes when I'm at home, she wakes me up when she's talking to the cats in the morning (...)

7. Did you ever make your mom cry? if so, explain.
My mom recently told me that she cried while reading one of my personal statements for law school. That almost made me cry because it made me realize that she actually thinks I can do this.

If I've made her cry for a bad reason, I'd rather not think about those :(

8. Have you ever told a lie to your Mom to protect yourself or someone else? If yes, have you come clean and told your Mom the truth?
When I was younger (middle school/high school) I'm sure I told several little lies to keep myself out of trouble. But at this point, I'm really terrible at lying to my parents and I honestly just prefer blurt out the truth, no matter how bad, than keep it in and try and deal with it myself. I know that my parents are always going to be there for me and that if I've done something wrong, they'll be disappointed but they'll try and help me get through it. I think they'd be more disappointed if I opted to lie about it and try and figure it out on my own and it didn't work out/they found out at a later time.

9. What is the one thing that you most admire about your Mom?
My mom has to take care of not only herself and her husband/kids (no matter how old we are), but also her 98-year-old mother. The amount of pressure that she's under dealing with her finances and everything from 6 hours away keeps her stressed out and on the phone at all hours of the day. I couldn't deal with that kind of stress on top of having a job and a life - I don't know how she does it.

10. In 10 words or less, describe your Mom.
Ridiculous, amazing, hilarious, grounded, stable, considerate, optimistic, caring, generous, loving.

"The best part of life is when your family becomes your friends, and your friends become your family."
Danica Whitfield

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